Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Well, I'm almost done with the {third} rewrite of my first novel, except now that novel is only part one of a larger volume. It's frustrating because I have to completely rewrite what is now going to be part two, and write part three for the first time. It's nice though, because I'll get to be one of those people who wrote the six hundred page book.
I always have a hard time coming up with names, so any suggestions would be helpful, and I really mean that. I started making a list of character names I've already used, and it's astounding. I've had to change so many so they don't repeat too. Sigh. A lot more work goes into writing (a) novel(s) than most people think. Thank goodness I can capable of keeping the plots separate in my head. When I try talking with one of my friends about them, I always have to clarify which book I am talking about, but with another friend, all they need is the name of a character and they know. Sigh.
Ok so if you know of any good character names, either for a main character or a secondary one, thine (yes, I used thine; No, I don't find that a problem) suggestions would be very welcome. To help, here's the description of a guy character I can't seem to name:
  He starts off really wimpy in the first book because he was a rich spoiled brat.  Then, when the other main character goes into a coma, he steps up and takes charge of the rebellion and becomes quite the hunk. He changes his name early on, because he's wanted by the government for some reason, and so ideas for either name are great (first name is definitely weirder, and the second is normal by the way). He's completely in love with the other main character the entire time (her name is Jackie) and I think he'll have either blond or light brown hair. Not sure what color eyes though, and he's not too terribly tall. Barely over six feet most likely.

Names in general would be helpful. I am not discouraging general suggestions in favor of the above character's; quite the opposite. Thanks in advance!